I love the Qingshui town arc too. Things took a nose-dived once we left Qingshui. I get sad when I watch that scene where he rushes to Huichin clinic, but she is already gone:-(/

That was another addition in the drama which was not covered in the novel, but it makes sense that he would have rushed there once he sensed she was in danger. 

Remember what you said about not wanting to look like some crazy person, crying while behind the wheel from listening to the audiobook? It finally happened to yours truly. I was sending my girl to school last week when we got to the part when Xiao Liu saw Royal Consort Jing An for the first time, and I found tears streaming down my face as I listened to Xiao Liu's tearful desperation, reaching out for whom she thought was the mother she had lost, just as we drove up to the school gates no less! Thankfully it was very early morning and I quickly drove away before more people saw me in this state!

I don't think I will be able to watch the death scene. I will cry too much. I'm already tearing up whenever I think about a particular sad detail from the novel (that epilogue is a killer. I could never read it without crying). I'm not too big on pain so I might have to give myself a few years. Once I can of XL without feeling sad, then maybe I can watch it. And I'm just someone who reads the novel. TJC lived with that character and all the emotions for a few months.

I know what you mean. It was a shock for me, to find myself crying over the audiobook, especially when it was a scene that I was already so familiar with, having read and watched it so many times. Surprisingly, I did not tear up over the epilogue in the audiobook, though I did when Xiao Yao mourned Xiang Liu's death. I think the actual delivery also plays a big part. My daughter and I were comparing Xiang Liu's first words in different versions of the audiobook "Mao Qiu, how many times have I told you, the hearts of men are devious. This time, you should finally remember." and some just totally leave us cringing because the delivery and voice itself just pulled us out of the story right away, while others were far better. Still, and I believe I say this without any bias, TJC is the definitive Xiang Liu for me - the inflection, tone and timbre of his voice is spot on. 

As someone who doesn't speak the language and is too busy reading the subtitles to pay attention to the voices fully, I thankfully don't have this problem. Do you know from which drama TJC starts to use his own voice? And which one of his dramas have you watched and would recommend? 

I think apart from Advisors Alliance (2016/2017) and Twisted Fate of Love (2020), he pretty much dubbed himself in most other dramas. I am actually very surprised he was dubbed in Twisted Fate of Love (even if it was by the amazing Bian Jiang) because it was filmed circa 2019, and he had already been dubbing himself before then (e.g. Secrets of the Three Kingdoms etc).

That song and this one from Love My Voice gets a lot of XL edits for obvious reasons. 

Oh, 名士曲四首 is indeed another excellent song, and very fitting for Xiang Liu FMVs. Do you know which episode he sings it in?