if somebody recommends something it’s probably good

Yes, but if I hear positive feedback from many people in this group, that's an even better assurance that I will like the BL, which is why I find that following the ongoing chatter (especially on new releases) is so helpful.

As to individual recommendations, for me it depends very much upon who the "somebody" is. For example, I tend to prefer cute, fluffy and feel-good BLs with a sweet love story, and I'm usually not so keen on action or thrillers. I personally love Japanese BLs (e.g. the currently airing "Kare no Iru Keisatsu" / "Living With Him") that might be slow, boring and "too Japanese" (indirectness, failure-to-communicate trope, etc.) to someone else.

So for me, it's important to learn who in this group has similar tastes and preferences, so that when I get hear a recommendation, I know right away if it's likely to click with me. From looking at your "Completed" list and ratings, I see some overlap but not nearly as much as with certain other people.

So speaking of recommendations...

I finished Unknown just past midnight. I liked it enough to add it to my fav pfp list, include it in my 24 Asian Drama Recommendation Challenge and stayed up late to binge watch, haha

There are a few things that stood out to me and swayed my rating from a 10/10 to a 9/10.  

For example, I don't recall any childhood background/history about Yuan, only that he was alone living on the street. (Broke my heart).  We saw flashbacks of Qian's early childhood, which btw didn't seem to include LiLi at all. Or I missed it.

A bigger issue for me was the fast transition on Qian's part from brothers to lovers. I think my head spun 360 degrees and wondered if I missed a whole episode beforehand. 

Lastly, I was confused at San Peng allowing himself to be in a relationship with LiLi, especially after his protests and meddling actions regarding Yuan's feelings toward Qian. Wasn't San Pang also a sibling-like "brother" to LiLi? I think I even heard him verbalize it at one point. And to add insult, he didn't fess up to his best friend, Qian. 

One last thought - That was some strange doctor but he sure was hot! Except for the cigarettes hanging from his mouth. Ugh. Oh, which reminds me of the scene when Le the gang leader put out his smoke right on his tongue. Did you see that? Never saw that in a tough guy role before.

Time to go to sleep now.

 American Fan:
A bigger issue for me was the fast transition on Qian's part from brothers to lovers. I think my head spun 360 degrees and wondered if I missed a whole episode beforehand. 

RE: Unknown I think it started as soon as Yuan left to study abroad. We see Qian missing him, cleaning his room, reminiscing. And the seed was already planted when Yuan confessed, so Qian probably started examining their prior interactions in light of that confession. Not to mention San Pang's constant reminder that Qian really needs to figure out how he feels about Yuan, who's been caring for and about him for years. So, for me, I didn't feel the transition was that abrupt. Qian just needed to dare to accept his feelings. But his hesitation was completely understandable, because he could lose one of the most important people in his life if the relationship didn't work out.

 American Fan:
That was some strange doctor

That was Sam Lin who was one of the leads in We Best Love: No. 1 For You.  I liked his longer hair.


How do you join??

Just by posting in this thread, you're a member.

There are also lively Discord groups if you're interested, the MDL BL Drama Lovers server is here:  https://discord.gg/uRSVuwEqga  there is also the BL Wonderland Discord Server: https://discord.gg/blwonderland Both servers offer watch parties and lively conversation about individual BL and GL dramas and films.


Day 26 Challenge: "BL drama that made you cry buckets"

I refuse to answer this question on grounds of self-incrimination. (Yeah, I know that girls are the majority in this group, but I'm a blokey guy, so I can't publicly admit how much I cry when watching a really good love story, or anything involving death or serious illness of a loved one.)


Day 26 Challenge: "BL drama that made you cry buckets"

I refuse to answer this question on grounds of self-incrimination. (Yeah, I know that girls are the majority in this group, but I'm a blokey guy, so I can't publicly admit how much I cry when watching a really good love story, or anything involving death or serious illness of a loved one.)

Be brave.

RE: Unknown I think it started as soon as Yuan left to study abroad. We see Qian missing him, cleaning his room, reminiscing.

Yes, I could see that to an extent as well. I guess from the time Yuan actually returned and up to the fishing trip, Qian kept a pretty good front of not seeming to warm up, so when he finally accepted Yuan it felt fast cuz they went straight to intimacy immediately.

That was Sam Lin who was one of the leads in We Best Love: No. 1 For You.  I liked his longer hair.

Oh wow, I didn't recognize the doctor as one of the MLs of We Best Love! That was a great series, but feels so long ago.  

For ZeeNuNew fans in case you haven't seen this. 

 American Fan:
I'm actually not very good at keeping track of what's coming up and when. Another reason why I really like this "club", it helps with news of current BL drama happenings. I make a lot of notes.  :-)

Yes, I understand. I appreciate all the updates and news here, too. I wouldn't know what would happen otherwise. I still have a lot to discover and learn from the BL drama world. :D 

I set bookmarks and have an Excel list (which, however is not properly maintained). O.o 

I also collect screenshots on my smartphone. When I think about it, I urgently need to clean up the bookmarks and screenshots, haha, lol. It will take me years to tidy it up. 

For book publications I make a calendar entry. This gives me an overview of wether something interesting is about to be published. I like the anticipation. 

 American Fan:
I usually go with the flow each day and watch whatever I feel like at any given time.

That sounds great. 

I think I'm having trouble deciding what to watch next because I'm worried I might not like it. But it's important to me that there is a good drama (book etc. ) that I can come back to and watch when I've had a bad day. I think, I'm just worrying too much, lol.

 American Fan:
That was a long answer.

I loved it. Thank you. :-*

I refuse to answer this question on grounds of self-incrimination. (Yeah, I know that girls are the majority in this group, but I'm a blokey guy, so I can't publicly admit how much I cry when watching a really good love story, or anything involving death or serious illness of a loved one.)

You could answer the question purely hypothetically... (*blink :-))
And what do you mean by "blokey guy"? That makes me all the more curious. ;-)
Okay, okay... I'm going to stop being flirty and I'll be quiet.
Well, I was actually the one who quit the April challenge because I haven't watched that many BL dramas yet. (*shame on me)

But it's important for me to say, that I respect your decision and somehow find it cute.
If you want to talk about dramas that made you cry sometime, here is a trustworthy community with like-minded people (including me).

I am a cry-baby. When I think about it, I do remember the last non BL drama I cried at.
But I don't know the last BL drama that made me cry?!
Oh my god, could it be that I've never cried at a BL drama before... ?
We remember, I haven't seen many yet to my excuse.
Okay, I need a BL drama that makes me cry!
I am waiting for recommendations and eat imaginary popcorn.

I like this

As to individual recommendations, for me it depends very much upon who the "somebody" is. For example, I tend to prefer cute, fluffy and feel-good BLs with a sweet love story, and I'm usually not so keen on action or thrillers.

and that

So for me, it's important to learn who in this group has similar tastes and preferences, so that when I get hear a recommendation, I know right away if it's likely to click with me.

... very much. You have described it wonderfully. I never explicitly thought about it or was aware of it. But you're totally right and you've explained it analytically well and you've summed it up very well. Thanks for that! That was instructive for me. :-)

And I apologize for not answering in chronological order, sorry. 

So for me, it's important to learn who in this group has similar tastes and preferences, so that when I get hear a recommendation, I know right away if it's likely to click with me.

That's why I only friend folks who have rated series similarly to me. Then, I can peruse their feeds to see what they are watching, and enjoying. I find it far too hard on this thread to keep up with who is who, and who is watching what, so having friends with similar tastes makes it that much easier.

Watching Word of Honor and I'm so looking forward to the next episodes! I've seen The Untamed already and I think Word of Honor is even better when it comes to the bromance aspect of things.


Watching Word of Honor and I'm so looking forward to the next episodes! I've seen The Untamed already and I think Word of Honor is even better when it comes to the bromance aspect of things.

Really? I've been eyeing this series but wasn't sure about it yet. Still working my way, slowly, to finishing Winter Begonia, another bromance. I'm only 24 of 49 eps. in. I don't really have the attention span for long ones, but I can't resist the stories.  :-(