Ch.128 Meet

"Do you know my father?"

He answered blankly, "No, I don't"

He walked away then turned back and drove away the vicious barking dogs surrounding the tree. "Come down". 

A Mi is still looking at him, he was born very beautiful, and for mortals, almost gorgeous but with a cool appearance. She sensed kindness in him. She stretched out her short arms and landed in his arms. The man paused and looked a little weird before putting her on the ground. 

"Where are your parents?" 

A Mi thought for a while and said, "Mother went far away and Father... Father is dead."

The man was silent then said, "The town is dangerous at night. Go find your servants if your parents are not home."

A Mi shook her head, "I'm very far from home. This time I'm going to find daddy and bring him home. 

The man said "It's up to you." Then left with his hunted deer. 

A Mi wandered aimlessly in town and just as a group of drunk people were approaching her, the black shadow under the moonlight enveloped A Mi from behind and they scampered away. 

A Mi turned her head and saw the man she met at dusk. After staring at her, he approached and picked her up in his arms and started walking to his home. He said, "Don't hang around on the streets. I'll bring you to the town official tomorrow." 

He put her on the bench and gave her meat porridge. She ate with relish while he leaned on the door, looking at her. 

"My name is Tantai Zimi, everyone calls me A Mi, what's your name?"

"Bai Ziqian."

He led her to his mother's old room so she can rest. A Mi doesn't need sleep but she has developed the habit of absorbing aura while resting. 

Just after dawn, she heard people in the yard. The loud woman demanding the deer Bai Ziqian hunted is the mother of Liu Dongyan, the woman betrothed to him. After his parents died, the Bai family quickly declined so she hopes to break the betrothal contract and marry her off to a rich suitor. 

She saw A Mi by the window and said that he has fathered a child out of wedlock. She will complain to the judge. 

A Mi asked, "Why did that woman say I am your daughter? Are you really my father? You don't have devilish breath in your body so you can't be my father."

Bai Ziqian was supposed to take A Mi to the town official but decided not to because he might turn out to be a bad man. He bought her candy and clothes instead. He thought her family will look for her so he should take her every day to that tree where he saw her first until they are reunited.

After several days, Liu Dongyan came to his house and demanded to know if A Mi is really his daughter. Even though he is poorer now, she doesn't want give up on the potential glory of Bai Ziqian because she knows of his literary talents. She said they can get married if he gives her 100 taels. Bai Ziqian sneered. 

Suddenly, A Mi cheered "Mother!" and ran to the gate.


Bai Ziqian raised his eyes and under the boundless sunset, a woman in a white dress came slowly - her red lips and eyes are bright and the cinnabar between her brows are burning. 

Li Susu hugged A Mi and scolded her for running away while worriedly checking for injuries. 

As a woman, Liu Dongyan has never seen such a stunning beauty.  The bow in the man's hand fell to the ground, he lowered his eyes and bent over to pick it up. 

With the sound of the bow hitting the ground, Li Susu raised her eyes and looked at the man. 

Li Susu was caught off guard. The person she had been looking for a thousand years has appeared in front of her. 

This is one of my favorite moments in the novel!!  


This is one of my favorite moments in the novel!!  

Yes! It is funny and satisfying that they finally met again because of the shenanigans of their daughter. ?


Yes! It is funny and satisfying that they finally met again because of the shenanigans of their daughter. ?

Absolutely!  And I love that LSS is patient and waiting for him.  And of course her offering herself for marriage.  It's all so sweet!

wahhhhhhhhh what i'd to watch this HE instead. youku would literally have all these fans in their palms if they just gave us this. 

Thankyou so much for translating! I kinda read the machine(?) translated ones and it’s really nice to read this :) can’t wait for the next 3 chapters!


wahhhhhhhhh what i'd to watch this HE instead. youku would literally have all these fans in their palms if they just gave us this. 

Exactly! While the BE is rational to wrap up the three arcs as in the novel, a HE is needed after all TTJ and LSS have gone through. If people are willing to pay for the bts, imagine how wallets will fly open for bonus HE episodes. Youku is a ?. 


Glad to do it! This is my way of dealing with the drama ending. Haha! I'll continue to work on the last 3 HE chapters and upload once I am done. ?


This is one of my favorite moments in the novel!!  

This moment till the end is the happiest moments in the novel


Glad to do it! This is my way of dealing with the drama ending. Haha! I'll continue to work on the last 3 HE chapters and upload once I am done. ?

Thank you for the translation, it’s more easier to read here ❤️

Looking forward for next one

absolutely love your translation.  Would u mind translating later the chapter A Mi was conceived ?


Thankyou so much for translating! I kinda read the machine(?) translated ones and it’s really nice to read this :) can’t wait for the next 3 chapters!

My pleasure. I am on Ch.129 now and will post once it's done. ?


absolutely love your translation.  Would u mind translating later the chapter A Mi was conceived ?

I'll finish up the HE chapters then I'll look for that chapter. Mind you that part of the novel is different from the drama. ?


Thank you for the translation, it’s more easier to read here ❤️

Looking forward for next one

No worries. I'm almost done with the next ch.?

Happy to read it ???