It matters coz logic is important 


I see, your logic is covered by the blind love for this series, never mind, not all people are intelligent to notice the minute details to prove that this series is horrible.

I don't at all criticize whether or not you like a series. I'm sure there are shows I don't like that you do like - we're all like that, right? But you really are missing the point of this - maybe the mother's facial expressions are too subtle, but I saw it exactly the same way SleeplessOwl saw it - I thought it was really cleverly written. It's OK if you only like really literal series - this is light entertainment and I don't blame you for not wanting to have to think. - it's tiring to think, right?  

We could write a letter to the producer and ask them next time to put in more accidental kisses and funny sound effects and people tripping and being caught so they can stare at each other until they turn gay. I understand that's popular.


You should see the movie 6th Sense, lol.

That would make BLL1313's head explode, but I would really enjoy reading the review.

Will definitely watch it tonight


That would make BLL1313's head explode, but I would really enjoy reading the review.

Haha.  Also this is a good series actually lol 

It's good only coz of the cute actors, else the storyline seems messed up.

No the storyline is actually the best part 

You may be liking it, but I am definitely not. I have watched so many BLs this is the first which I am not liking

You not liking it and it being objectively bad are entirely different things.

Well dramas that I like are always a hit, this one I doubt will make it to 9+


Well dramas that I like are always a hit, this one I doubt will make it to 9+

9+ what? Episodes? (btw, it's 10 episodes long)



There are very, very few dramas on this particular website with a 9+ rating. No BL that I know of has a 9+ rating. Not even Tale of a Thousand Stars (currently at 8.6), which just won a 2021 Content Asia Award for Best LGBTQ+ programme made in Asia. Even non-BL dramas fail to reach 9+ ratings. Goblin, one of the most popular Korean dramas ever, is currently standing at 8.9.

Why are you so pressed about a plot twist? You clearly didn't go back to rewatch the scenes and you're just mad because you got fooled. You claim to have watched so many BLs and Peach of Time is the only one that you dislike but you only recently made your MDL account (clearly just to rant about this show) and your review for it comes off as very childish and even personal. Do you hold a personal grudge against someone on the show? You gave it a 1.0 on acting, music, and replay value, even though your only issue with the show was story-related. There's no objectivity to your criticism whatsoever. You just get on the internet and rant like a scorned child.

A drama that doesn't get 9+ is the most horrible drama ever?  LOL

I rarely rate things that high, I liked tons of stuff I rated 7

This one, though, I really like.  It's dealing with really difficult issues in a creative way.

BLLover1313  Is a troll who joinded this site (just this month) just to have fights and pester people over their beloved series. Pay no attention to this person. This isn't their first account by the way, the previous one got deleted by MyDramaList.