Yeah I think the scene with Lilly and Lyla was Lilly wishing she could start over, imagining a different universe where they could have been friends before throwing herself off the cliff.

The final scene with Nest is interesting because the words are what the boatmain said in the first episode, so it's not someone actually talking to her, but then they also added the "as soon as you remember" which has me soooo confused.

All in all I am very happy with this show and the finale as well. It left some things open but not too much.

For me lilly and lylas scene at the end was like heaven, i think she-lilly- s worded herself but we cant say its 100% right, at this point we haven seen taht we need a body to confirm someone is dead in this kind of shows.

i have questions for example, there is this pic of plato holding kens body in the water  but that scene wasnt here so,,,, idk do they had alternative endings??? 

for me that last scene on the boat,,,,, i think this can have s2 but idk how tbh hahahah also i didnt know if the sr was talking to nest or having a phone call,,,, 

Lilly's final scene reminds me a lot of the one in Zeni Geba. Before he dies, the main character also imagines an alternate universe where things turn out differently. This is what makes me think that Lilly jumped off the cliff after Leila.

As for Plato holding Ken's water in the body, I don't think that ever happens. They might have shot the scene but ended up cutting it out and going with something else. Also, might've been part of promo teasers? Maybe they had a version where Ken died, but they decided to make it Plato instead.

I feel like with everyone important dead, it would be weird to have a season 2 with just Nest who happens to be my least favorite character along with Bew. I can't be the only one who feels that way.


Bozo was one of the ones that Sonar went to about Bew and he did nothing, so he wasn't innocent to her. And I think that the scene with Lyla and Lilly was in Lilly's mind whether or not it happened in the past or just a figment after the fact because even though we saw Nest fall over and seem like she was dead - at the very end after the credits there's that scene with Nest on the boat and someone talking to her, which I think signals that it wasn't a dream. Because it wouldn't make much sense for that otherwise. I think the quote was more of a plea to not take revenge into your own hands more than showing that Lilly didn't actually do anything. But the thing I love about it is that it's the kind of ending that can have many interpretations so it's kind of up to you.

Exactly what I am thinking too, it can be interpreted in many ways and the audience can also learn´ from the plea in the end. I still think the grudge against Bozo to slice him open and hack his head is not something that he deserved. Additionally, Sonar was not able to  smash Nests head and neither able to  kill Bew right away, despite all the hatred and torment she carried underneath. So why did she kill him in such a reckless way even after she said to Lilly that they have already killed everyone who they wanted to kill? Sonar must have also become indifferent and irrational about the lives of the "more innocent" ones, because otherwise, was she killing Bozo because he wanted to protect Mind and himself in the past? Not helping the victims after you knew the story and who the offender was is a horrible action but you should not forget the own positions they were in. It's not like they were indifferent about Sonar and Lilly, rather scared of the consequences. Bozo didn’t deserve this. Nor did Plato. In the end it was just as if they became ecstatic of their killing spree, with no way of turning back.