
I think there is a difference between a message, and how events unfold. Some movies, series, or books show the struggles of underdogs, but these underdogs lose their battles.

The messages of these work are against injustices but they choose to depict a more realistic outcome. They are not saying that the fight should stop. In many ways happy endings dull the sense of urgency.

I thought Ep. 3, 5, 9, and 10 had probably the best cases. Ep. 3 for obvious reasons.

Ep. 5 depicted a moral dilemma for YW and I applauded the writers for making her choose the morally dubious decisions. Showing that she is not a saint.

Ep.9 & 10 were great because they didn't have a clear cut "right" vs "wrong". I felt Ep.10 was very good including the judge's decison. I am not saying he was right or wrong, but it showed the problem highlighted by YW towards the end of episode. 

This drama despite all the comedy and lighthearted tone tackled serious issues. So, I don't need fluffy, fairy tales. 

As for 13 & 14. 

The break up itself is not what bothers me. If they break up, the message for me would be anger towards society. The society that is not allowing two people to be together because one is different. What bothered me is the lack of communication. YW has been , if anything, over communicative lol. It is the out of character action that bothered me. What I need to see in the last 2 episodes is them having proper conversation. If they do that, I am OK with any outcome to their relationship.

Minwoo & Seyon though is unforgivable if they end up together. However I think you are too harsh  in your assesment about what it means. But, I get the sentiment. It would be a setback.

Well! it's over and as I predicted I wasn't satisficed😫

How about you guys? was it satisfying for you?


Well! it's over and as I predicted I wasn't satisficed?

How about you guys? was it satisfying for you?

Nope. I was so pissed off how badly this drama underdelivered I even wrote a review for it, which I never bothered doing before :=(


Nope. I was so pissed off how badly this drama underdelivered I even wrote a review for it, which I never bothered doing before :=(

I read you review and you were spot on (I'm gonna write one too when I have the time), although I was shocked with how high you rated it..


I read you review and you were spot on (I'm gonna write one too when I have the time), although I was shocked with how high you rated it..

Well, it did have a good first half (when anticipations were not yet shattered) and actors did a stellar job, even though some of them didn't have much to work with sadly. Production value was also pretty good. Gotta give credit where it is due. But if you look up the individual scores in my review it's not high for the plot or rewatchability. 

I guess it's why I rated "A Business Proposal" an 8 as well, even though it had a very cliche dumb plot and rushed ending (btw, I recall grandpa from ABP had the same VIP room in the hospital as attorney Jung, lol). Some dramas are practically carried by the excellency of the actors.

I usually give scores below that for dramas I ultimately find not only disappointing but also boring. Gotta be fair here, I can't say I was bored watching EAW.

It was a reasonable end. 

My annoyance with the sudden change of Minwoo is the biggest complaint.  I disliked this vey much.

The case was just a plot device to prevent Han from leaking the news about YWY. They just found another way to make Ta sumi lose the ministry job (side note: the scene when WYW went to see her mother was great!. The actress who plays the mother acts SOO well with her face only. Their two scenes together are amongst the best acting in the series). It is Ok. Not the best and cliche, but acceptable.

I am not a person who rate shows based on the end only. That is why I rarely give 10/10, but I am also more forgiving if the show doesn't stick the landing. I can't just ignore the first 12 episodes, because at that point it was 10/10 and very strong candidate for my favourite of the year in any language. 

I will have to sleep on it, and see how I feel in few days. Most likely 9, but 8 also a possibility (you can check my rating system on my profile if you care)

Very satisfying ending.

Thoroughly enjoyable from top to bottom.

It's a perfect 10 for me.

Not looking forward to and don't care about Season 2, which I still have doubts if it will happen at all.