7. nature

Nature destroys and nature also creates.

In my humble opinion, nature has never played the role of destruction, it is anthropological floods, poor nature still has to play the role of the creator.

10. Nature should be preserved. We have one planet unlike so many others. In nearly every world-ending disaster movie, we lose our environment as we know it. I can't imagine a world without trees and plants and flowers and birds. 

New Word: Peace

Wow! Such a nice word.

I just love peace. 

1. I just wish everyone’s heart is full of peace…..( like an octet of an electron orbit, u know)

Content and stable.

I wud be changing the word in next 1 hr, if I don't see ne more for peace.


2.Everyone should be at peace with themselves!!Learn to always love yourself.


2.Everyone should be at peace with themselves!!Learn to always love yourself.

I agree wid u

For me, What u said, should be the number one on the priority list of everyone 

World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.” ― Dalai Lama XIV


World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

You have great collection of quotes Lilly, I remember last time also u had written something big like this about thoughts being a power.

This one is also equally good

Peace is not making war but building love.

5. Also doing nothing is also not peace, as,

You have to take actions against war,  against violence, against injustice, against discrepancy,

to bring “peace”


You have great collection of quotes Lilly, I remember last time also u had written something big like this about thoughts being a power.

This one is also equally good

Thank you but credits go to them .I posts which i like 


Absolute truth...... 

7? Peace in mind sometimes so hard to get when we deal with ton of sh*t everyday.... Haha....