Hello! I am looking for a drama that I can’t find anymore!!

ML is in a car accident and is blind. His girlfriend died in the accident and his family, hires a girl to act like his girlfriend. She can only comes a couple of times and then she has to break up with him and tell him that they will never see each other again.

He quickly realizes that the girl is not is girlfriend (I wont tell why, it’s a spoiler). The girl keeps coming to see him. They fall in love of course. She still breaks things off and disappears.

He gets his eyesight back and is at the top of a company(cant remember if he is CEO).  She happens to have to work there too, he recognized her voice. And then he tries to make her life a living hell because he ressent her.

I don’t remember much after that. I think when he was blind they were somewhere near the beach but I am not sure.

could you help me please ?

Someone Like You - The synopsis sounds similar to what you described