If you're learning any language, try out the reading competition at http://readmod.wordpress.com/. There aren't any prizes, but it provides a great opportunity to push yourself, keep track of your progress, and encourage others. Any language is welcome, and you can register for more than one :) All you need is a twitter account. (Follow @TadokuBot)

The approach is called Tadoku (http://www.talktotheclouds.com/2008/06/07/tadoku-means-extensive-reading/) and the rules are that you read as much as you can at your normal reading level in the language you're learning without consulting a dictionary or translations as much as possible. I participated in the competition in January and really saw an improvement in reading comprehension, vocab, and grammar.

Registration is open for the competition that starts on July 1st. See the website for the details (http://twitter.com/#!/tadokubot). I think we should all try it :) I'm registered, and I hope you do, too. We can use this thread to compile online resources with general reading levels in various languages and post our progress.
for Japanese would you need to know kanji? if so i'll have to wait and do it another time lol
nope, you don't have to know kanji for Japanese. The only rule is that it is in the language that you're learning. You can read hirigana texts. The first time I did it, I read children's books and the hirigana times. Theoretically, you could even read romaji.