The monologue at the beginning of the drama inspired me to start this topic. 

Feel free to add any quotes you like as you watch this show. (^▿^)

Ep. 1

"I've been thinking about the right to be human. Not as a family member, friend, or a colleague, but the right to be a human being. The right given only to people who abide by the rules of society, and proudly set forth their names. The right to judge the world, criticize, be enraged, and despair. I've been thinking about that. But what is that world you speak of, and what is that human? Does that even really exist?"  

Ep. 8

“I don’t know for sure, but as I live, I think I’ll encounter some good days. Like when you walk after running. Like when you sit after walking. Even if it’s peace that won’t last for long, there will be days that I can call good because there’s rest. That’s what I believe.”