Totally agree. As I have said in my review, I have met people like that - superb at work clueless and flawed in their personal life. 

The reviewer complained about how she is admired for her beauty - and how that is regressive. She was admired for a lot more - but yes, she was beautiful and there is nothing wrong or unreal about someone being admired for their beauty - while also being appreciated for their     work ethic and character.  

I actually adore that she revels in her beauty but never misuses it - and is also never shy about being forward on what she wants. 

I loved that they both grew - and became greater than the sum of their parts. What an amazing romance. I hope the review doesn't deter others from watching it. 

@Rita @Kinara

You both spoke aloud lucidly what was in my mind too. DITTO.

HEY at least you could leave a comment on her video.

So many agreed with her or didn't watch the show because of that review and missed out.

It's important to calmly express our view too.

That might catch the eye of a fence-sitter and someone willing to be open minded 

Which video is this?

Yeah for some reason being beautiful is considered a negative in a smart career woman. But I consider that being the total package. So what if a woman is admired for her beauty ? Nothing wrong with that .   But yes the FL in this drama was admired for a lot more than her beauty and she was more than just that.   Both the ML and FL are flawed and they both grew with the relationship.  This will be one of my top favorite dramas that I will rewatch


@Rita @Kinara

You both spoke aloud lucidly what was in my mind too. DITTO.

HEY at least you could leave a comment on her video.

So many agreed with her or didn't watch the show because of that review and missed out.

It's important to calmly express our view too.

That might catch the eye of a fence-sitter and someone willing to be open minded 

I actually did. Hopefully some people read it.


I want to read it.

Can you tell me the date you left your review?

Also what name do you use on YouTube?

Same here. Can you send me the details?

the name is Robyn. 

I posted as @EmmaRoylp4jv

I looked for it but could not find your comment. :(

I must say, the fact that this drama has created so many terrific  long-form reviews here, speaks highly of this series value alone.  I watched the YouTube review/rant that is linked above and wondered if that woman watched the same series I am currently watching.  Respectfully, I cannot disagree more with that review.  Simply said, I don't think she "gets it".  The OP on the other hand clearly watched and was able to understand the events played out over 36.5 episodes.  Her study of it here is really well thought out.

At any rate, in watching the show, what strikes me most and is almost completely UN-mentioned here is how SMART ShuYi is.  Think about it:  She's a double-major in both Finance & Journalism.  That alone is pretty impressive to me, as I think of myself as a fairly intelligent guy and as an Accounting Major,  I HATED my Finance/Econ classes...they clearly deserved the nickname of "The Dismal Science".  So the fact that she probably excelled at both majors says a lot about her.  Although the show gives us a good view of how competent she is at her job (working long hours, scoring coveted interview subjects, writing well-received articles, etc) we don't really get a chance to see her intelligence in her field, compared to her sometimes-futile & hap-hazard efforts to deal with her love life. We occasionally get glimpses of her intelligence (and drive), like when she goes off to launch her investigation on automotive battery safety and her give-and-take interview with the battery mfg.  

But instead, we are presented pretty much with her as an 'up and coming excellent journalist'.  And that is accurate, but doesn't really tell the whole story about who she is and why this very intelligent woman struggles so much with dealing with her emotions vs. her professional goals/needs.  I really would have liked to seen what her 5-year relationship with her ex-boyfriend was like:  We know he was two-timing her while they were in college and that he ultimately cheated on her again afterwards.  What was their relationship like?  How much effort did she put into it, given her career goals & drive?  (I suspect, not much effort at all).  I think that would have given us better background on her as a person. 

All that being said, I still like this series as a study of how two very intelligent but very different people become attracted to and slowly orbit  each other, while struggling to understand their motiviations in doing so and how to deal with emotions they are not used to or comfortable with.  

@LA_Drama Fan

On a side note : this is such a coincidence .. your description above brought to mind this terrific drama that I jus wrapped a day ago.

You MUST check it out.

It's a 11/10 drama for me.

I need to go back and finish it- I liked how badass the FL was in  Rising with the Wind.