Hey everyone, for those who still need a bit more balm for their hearts, I think the creator of the below video gives a good explanation of how we should interpret TTEOTM ending. We were all upset that the show did not end as per the novel and felt a great injustice for TTJ (and rightly so), but she explained there were 3 hidden clues to consider.

Clue 1. Tombstone scene where he bid farewell to "imaginary LSS" and told her he will be away for a long time. Timestamp 3.25min
2. Pang Yizhi's consciousness appears after the resurrection of the worlds. Timestamp 3.57min
3. The Heart Protection Scale. Timestamp 4.40min

She says TTJ is in the process of rebirth and not gone forever. Now that I am calmer (thanks to LIS therapy), what she says makes a lot of sense.

Subtitles are in Chinese. Go to settings and choose auto translate to English.


Another video where the creator of the clip shares the novel ending. 
