Or here on Peachey Blossom's Youtube channel (with timestamps in description to get quickly to your favorite song) :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqC_OER2TLI

There are also songs  MV with translation and pinyin, by same Peachey Blossom :

*  It Was Me Who Lied  (是我说了谎) - 郑卜仁 (Zheng Boren) :    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUXQMdAKHqg

* As You Wish (如意) - 梁紫 (Liang Zi) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkcjrXnO2lE

* Little Wish (小小心愿) -  吴宣仪 (Betty Wu) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ottF69bBOD8

* If I (若我) - 赵登凯 (Zhao Dengkai) :    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhq-mEa1BCI

* Still Really Love You (还是好爱你) - 高泰宇 (Gao Taiyu) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYtcGRZKGUI

* Love Talk Trap  (情话陷阱) - 汤邵文 (Tang Shaowen), 文婕 (Wen Jie): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L-nS-mQntg

* It Was Me Who Lied (是我说了谎 ) - 郑卜仁 (Zheng Boren), 梁紫 (Liang Zi) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7KHfnhncN8

I am so in love with the opening song (是我说了谎) -It Was Me Who Lied
It is really well written even without knowing the context of the drama!!!

I don’t know if anyone noticed but in the duet version, some of the verses were changed for the female part to fit the female lead perspective so when they sing together in harmony it becomes like the male lead’s feelings are heard with the female lead replying to them (if you pay close attention to the harmony parts you will hear it).

Male part:

留下你 用尽百计千万
Exhausted all means/efforts to make “you” stay
就让我独自品尝 没有你的时光
Just let me experience the time without “you”
是我说了谎 就应该被你遗忘
I lied so I should be forgotten by “you”
我不值 不值得被原谅
I don’t deserve to be forgiven

Female part:

留下我 用尽百计千万
Exhausted all means/efforts to make “me” stay
就让你独自品尝 没有我的时光
Just let “you” experience the time without “me”
说了谎 就应该被我遗忘
…lied so you should be forgotten by “me”
我其实 其实早已原谅
I have already forgiven

I really love the last harmony when the female says “I have already forgiven” while the male is expressing how he does not deserve it -the feels there ?

After analyzing the song, it makes this version even more touching and fitting to the drama. They should have made Xuan Yi and Zhe Yuan sing the duet which would add a perfect touch to the story ❤️

These two phrases in the original version actually makes a really deep connection when you put them together:

我盼着天亮 - I look forward to daylight
留下你 用尽百计千万 - Exhausted all means/efforts to make you stay

It seems to be implying how he looks forward to the daytime because he can spend time with Qi Pa as Li Xiong (since that is when she’s happy with him) and whenever she brings up the idea on escaping during their time together, he tries all he can to make her stay by speaking up for his other self.
It is all making sense now!!! ?

The ending song (如意) -As You Wish is also very meaningful as it resonates with the female lead's perspective/feelings.

This phrase describes the male lead’s two characters very well, one is Li Xiong who is sincere when he's with her and the other is Kui Mu Lang who is scheming when he lied about liking her in the beginning to keep her by his side for the pearl:

一幕是真心 一幕是心机费尽
One scene/side is sincere, one scene/side is scheming

And these two lines, despite everything, she has already fallen for him before she even knew it:

Every scene and every step is your figure (everything is you)
I an indulged in the illusion of you

The way the song ends with the last line also contains a deep meaning:

若无我 你可皆如意 - Without me, can you get what you want/wish for 

If it wasn’t for her he cannot get the pearl, and if she had not accidentally swallowed it then he would not have approached her to keep her by his side and eventually fall in love/gain her true love in the end. Therefore, because of her, it becomes a double-win situation for him and it’s true, without her, he cannot get what he is looking for -she is his everything  ❤️

It is just amazing ?
I am so glad the OST is posted here! Let’s all listen to the songs on the playlist on Spotify/YouTube so that it becomes popular and more people will notice ?

Thanks for sharing, much appreciated!

Additional Analysis of the Other OSTs

(小小心愿) -Little Wish 

Here Qi Pa is describing/emphasizing Li Xiong's features. Part of it is falling for his handsome appearance and the other part is saying how he is the only light/happiness to her life and wants to be with him forever during the time in beast city where she thinks/feels trapped being with Kui Mu Lang:

That day sunlight shone on the side of your face
All darkness disappeared
把我的手交给你牵 跟你跑在落日之前
I give you my hand to hold and run with you before the sunset
Make a little wish that only we know
看萤火落在你指尖 你看我的瞬间
I watch fireflies land on your fingertip, the instant you looked at me
That moment is what I want forever

看萤火落在你指尖 光流转在你眉眼
I watch fireflies land on your fingertip, the light flows on your eyebrows and eyes
定格时间 一瞬抵过永远
Pause time, a moment is forever 

(若我) -If I

This song seems to be narrating from Li Xiong's perspective of how he is slowly falling for Qi Pa and if only he can spend time with her in the same way he does during the day at night as Kui Mu Lang -but at that time she doesn't like to be close to Kui Mu Lang. It describes his internal struggles really well...we can really feel the conflicting pain in those phrases:

若我也能够 和你肩并肩到黑夜尽头
If I can also stand side by side with you until the end of the night
若我也能够 以我之名守候
If I can also use my name (Kui Mu Lang) to keep watch/be close
若我也能够牵手 才敢看进你眼眸
If I can also hold your hand and then dare look into your eyes
若我也能够说出口 想和你一起不止白昼
If I can also say out loud that I want to be with you not only during the daytime

还是好爱你 -Still Really Love You

This song is another really touching one after closely analyzing it and connecting the dots. Here Kui Mu Lang is describing his deep love/yearning for Qi Pa when she found out the truth and left him. At that point he was so heartbroken and doesn't even care about the pearl anymore -he just wants to be with her so badly and wholeheartedly. 

The regret mentioned in the lyrics seems to be his decision to finally let her go back home -he thinks that only by letting her go will she be happy and doesn’t want to hurt her anymore after having lied to her all along, meanwhile he is suffering on the inside (he chooses to sacrifice alone but does not know that she is also not happy and ends up deciding to go back to him). At the same time it is also referring to the pearl as well -he is choosing not to retrieve it anymore, in other words he is giving up his life for her once again:

My memories are all related to you
I am greedy for your smile and warm breath

Time erased all memories
I tried my best to hide my regret
Maybe partings were already predestined
一不小心 我却丢了你
I lost you the moment I’m not careful
我真的好爱你 无法忘记你
I really love you so much, there’s no way I can forget you
晴天或是下者 滂沱的大雨
In sunny day or torrential rain
我好想告诉你 想给你安心就让遗憾过去
I really want to tell you, I want to give you peace and let the regret go
我真的好想 好好陪你
I really want to just accompany you well
我真的好想 好好爱你
I really want to just love you well