I'm just starting this. It could be interesting to see the web of undercover cops, cops doing their work above board, the criminal elements and the innocent interlopers. The cinematography is good and the acting seems solid. Will have to see if its a well-constructed story. A couple of things strike me right off the bat, though: 1) why would anybody believe, for one second, that a man who runs a high-level auction house and is suspected of drug dealing would send a package of drugs to his ex with his name and return address on it? How has there not been one suspicion that this, along with the anonymous tip, is obviously a set up? Also, why would the woman, who was just arrested for drugs, decide to go on the lam? She's apparently had a pretty straightforward life. So, why take that risk? And when she sees her ex with a gun and piles of money, why would she put herself into the middle of all that? Is some stealth undercover agent or something? If not, what the hell is she doing? I'm concerned that writers have very little respect for women and only have her in the story as a foil to create problems and a love interest for the male lead. Not that she's a fully-vested character with a brain and a life of her own.

Because Dou Dou has little or no sense. I really felt like that through the whole drama. She does and will do as you watch, things that make no sense.; however, so worth watching for Luo Jin!!