Okay, so I've been LOVING all the sibling relationships in this drama. Everything was so heartwarming, realistic and adorable. The transitions as they grow up are also wonderful.

And now the romance element has begun. Still not sure about the couples but romantic hints radiate from 

1. The eldest (Yicheng) and the girl he's tutoring - Am I the only one a little uncomfortable with this? He always seems like such a different person when he's tutoring her. I liked the girl a little more after I saw her story, but Yicheng really has one hell of a life ? I don't know how to feel.

2. The Romeo and Juliet story of the youngest(Simei) and the troublemaker kid ?-  I know it ended but the whole time I watched that segment, I had a big question mark on my face. I had no idea what was going on and when Simei started talking like a woman who has just lost her husband of ten years, I nearly lost it.

3. WHAT is going on with the second bro(Erqiang) and his mentor? I was so totally weirded out! I know it's one-sided, but STILL!

4. The cousin and Qiqi's tutor's younger sister - this, by far, is the most shippable ship I've encountered. 

All this has made me seriously doubt the writers' romance-writing capabilities. Everything was going on so comfortably till Episode 5 and its bumps.

What do you all think about the ships here?

Okay, I've reached Episode 11 and Sanli x Yiding is my favorite. Too bad we didn't get more content about the cousin's relationship. 

And I hate both women Yicheng dated... I just want him to find someone who will HELP him instead of piling more burdens on him IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??!!

@ vivi isnt qiqi's younger sister simei so which one and the cousin are you actually talking about 

and yeah both the women erqiang dated are no good too

@blossoms Oops! I made a mistake... Qiqi's TUTOR's younger sister ?

And do you mean "both women YICHENG" dated? Because I like Erqiang's wife 


@blossoms Oops! I made a mistake... Qiqi's TUTOR's younger sister ?

And do you mean "both women YICHENG" dated? Because I like Erqiang's wife 

actually i saw the raw version and from that I can see that she was easily manipulated and harassed by her manager or what and wasn't true to erqiang

wasn't true to erqiang

Just finished watching Episode 19, and I'm not sure how to feel about her now. The good thing is that she's pushing herself away from the Director, but he seems to be forcing himself on her. The bad thing is that both of them still won't come clean and even Erqiang isn't true to Xiaomo ? He just won't let go of his Master.


Just finished watching Episode 19, and I'm not sure how to feel about her now. The good thing is that she's pushing herself away from the Director, but he seems to be forcing himself on her. The bad thing is that both of them still won't come clean and even Erqiang isn't true to Xiaomo ? He just won't let go of his Master.

ikr and from the previews even after they have been married they are living separately ig

Only up to episode 16. Do Wei Min and Xing Yu get more scenes together? Is Erqiang fully over his master now and dating someone else?

Is Erqiang fully over his master now and dating someone else?

Absolutely NOT.  He still listens to that tape she gave him with her voice in it and smiles dreamily. He never fully smiles like that with his wife. Even his wife(Xiaomo) has her own history with an older man. So, though I ship this couple, they're gonna have to be honest with each other.


Wei Min and Xing Yu

Episode 19 and still no scenes of Weimin and Xingyu ? We just get updates when some characters talk and I saw Xingyu briefly chat with Simei. Other than that, NOTHING.

are living separately ig

The worst part is that their kisses don't even look like they really love each other and Erqiang actually APOLOGIZES to Yicheng and said he'd never spend the night again. With his WIFE. What is WRONG with him??!!

They really introduced the character Ling Zi as a love interest for Qi Qi and then had them get married like 2 episodes later. Pretty sure I'm counting 6 couples now. Is it too much to ask for one conflict free couple? 


They really introduced the character Ling Zi as a love interest for Qi Qi and then had them get married like 2 episodes later. Pretty sure I'm counting 6 couples now. Is it too much to ask for one conflict free couple? 

qiqi already got married??

qiqi already got married??

oh please don't even get me started. I thought he's a CHILD, but apparently he's in his twenties, but at the same time he's underage. So it's either a translation mistake or the writers have made it their personal mission to drive me insane. 

one conflict free couple? 

I was waiting for Weimin and Xingyu to come and be my conflict free couple but we see them after SUCH a long time and he starts yelling at her over nothing -_-
I'm glad Sanli and Yiding haven't had anything to fight about for a while... I hope Yiding stands up to his mom and doesn't give her the wedding trip money.  I still have hope for him because he focused only on Sanli when both his mum and Sanli were in the hospital. And he promised to earn enough money for them to move out, which shows he isn't blind and he's trying to do something to change Sanli's situation.

yes wasnt qiqi in school when he met his love interest??

qiqi in school

Yeah, that's what I thought. That place looks like a school. So I guess it's a translation mistake and Qiqi and his wife are going to be underage parents *_*