Don't attack me! But there is some missing wow factor. So far, the production is very nice, but the plot is a little lacking. It's still the beginning, so I will still wait until it finishes to do a final review. 


Don't attack me! But there is some missing wow factor. So far, the production is very nice, but the plot is a little lacking. It's still the beginning, so I will still wait until it finishes to do a final review. 

Like you said, plot's lacking and I didn't feel chemistry between the leads like people are pointing it out to be. I hope they develop it in the coming episodes.

I have more questions than answers but I guess its normal after watching just first two episodes. First episode was captivating but the second was just a filler. The plot's moving towards the 'hopelessly-in-love' element. Like Goblin. I'm not here for romance, not really. If it comes naturally then its more than welcome but if its forced, not so much. At this point, viewers like me would love to know more about:

-> the flute.
-> reason why Lee Yi Rim hid out there for so long. 

Or other such elements to hold their interest would be nice.

In short, second episode just burst the excitement/expectations-bubble for me! LOL

Sorry for ranting. I've been so disappointed but I'll give it a chance. Wait till the end for the final review, like you said!


Don't attack me! But there is some missing wow factor. So far, the production is very nice, but the plot is a little lacking. It's still the beginning, so I will still wait until it finishes to do a final review. 

I agree 100%. While watching I was getting Goblin vibes- very good production but when it comes to the actual story-line... meh. Just a big 'ol meh with a side of *sigh*. But it's really early on so things can change but I'm keeping my expectations low with this one.

I have the same thoughts. The plot is just all over the place right now. I also didn't like the transition between the other world. It just makes the viewers confused. But it's just 2 episodes, let's  see...

In my opinion, the first episode is interesting - the idea of presenting two dimensions at the same time is original. I really like Lee Min Ho and Woo Do Hwan, so I'm happy to see them in the new production. The second episode is a little more tedious. I liked the figure of the female prime minister. She seems to me to be a person who exceeds certain schamatas of a supporting female role (who is usually boring and stiff). I also liked the main female character. I hope the plot doesn't go fast.  And I must admit that the scenes are beautifully directed. 

Since there's only 2 episodes out, I'll wait until midway to determine if the drama's good/bad. Like other have said, we do get Goblin vibes due to the same writer and the way it is being produced. If anything, I felt like they are trying to cater to the fan-services. The casts are very attractive, and the director does alot of close up shot, slow-frame shot, freeze-frame, and all that. Alot of fan services...which to some extend is OK, but if they keep it up throughout the drama, then I for sure would skip forward.

Maybe it's just me but I don't find it confusing while watching the parallel world format, I thought it made sense. 

Maybe for some viewers, the wow factor is not there since this drama is hyped up too much, comparing it with Goblin as it is the same writer. Lee Minho can't be Gong Yoo and Do Hwa can't be Lee Dong Wook.


I have the same thoughts. The plot is just all over the place right now. I also didn't like the transition between the other world. It just makes the viewers confused. But it's just 2 episodes, let's  see...

That confused me so much! Like I didn't know which world we were in. They could have done something like adding a filter to differentiate  or maybe filming the parallel world in a slant- something. But either way, they have more issues going on with the actual plot anyway; like I'm already bored.

The plot is kinda slow if you watch it from episode one and wait every next episode to come but when you let first 8 episodes to air without watching them- plot seems to be fine and exciting. So if anyone is having second thoughts on plot, it is ideal that you wait until the 10th episode is aired to start watching this drama. It isn't bad at all, also when it comes to chemistry and stuff, it is just the way these characters are - it is ok that main leads don't click at first or start acting as if they are in love over heels in first 4 episodes. I like the fact that they made some sort of parallel universe where Korea is divided into regions and not into two countries. It shows how things could be better and move Korea to 4th world largest economy. It is different from the average plots where they kick characters 500 years into history and they base the plot into one neighborhood basically.