I’m still on the fence about it but it’s still waaaaay too early to make a decision ? 

Checked out some reaction videos while waiting for this week’s episodes. Really related to javabeans and girlfriday’s reaction on The Swoon ?? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAKPrvxRk2g) Glad to know I’m not the only one who had some questions about the first 2 episodes hahah

So… how do we feel about the show so far? Should I stay for Lee Min-ho and Woo Do-hwan?

So far good. I liked ep 1. It was engaging/story seemed interesting. The second ep... seemed like nothing really happened but I still look forward to ep 3 & the bromance ofc xD

the bromance ofc xD

one of the major reasons I'm staying ??

I think the drama got exciting at the end of episode 4, and that's why I'm staying. Lots of people are saying that it's very slow and there is no plot, but I see lots of things happening and am  trying to keep track of who's who.

Woo Do Hwan hasn't had much to do so far but I bet he's going to have more screentime this weekend!

Just finished epi 4 and... ok. I need those are liking this to explain the appeal.  

Seriously, at this point I want to drop it. There has been no real plot development at all and the story is just all over the place with the king being able to time travel whenever he wants, the lady prime minster and her issues, time stopping, the case with the cops, the uncle and his shenanigans- it's just all too much.

It's proving to be more like Goblin- and I don't like Goblin- with just pretty scenes/ amazing production and that's it

It's puttering along right now.  It needs to quicken the pace a bit and the feelings between the main leads are not quite there yet.  People are complaining about a lack of chemistry.  She is so rude and feisty up to now.  Will have to wait and see how it unfolds.  Right now I'm not impressed but willing to give it a chance.

I'm dropping it for now. I was really looking forward to the drama and I think my excitement made the lacking parts of the drama more apparent. I watched the first 3 episodes (stopped midway through 3 and never went back). My drama instincts have been telling me to stay away (they;re usually never wrong).

I don't feel the chemistry between the leads and the story is convoluted to the point of being no fun (I love intriguing/mysterious plots, but it has to be done the right way (one good example is Signal!)). Also feel like the pace is going so slow that it feels like the first 3 episodes are fillers. 

I know I’ve commented here before. But now that I watched ep 3 & 4. Its gotten good by the end of ep 4. Which makes me excited for episodes to come. The chemistry between the leads isn’t there yet of course. It’s only 4  eps. So I’m willing to give it chance. 

I am mostly staying for Captain Jo Young, Jo Eun Sub, detective Shin Jae, the bromance and all the future funny scene when for example Jo Young and Eun Sub will meet each other >_< ! I love when an actor plays severals personnalities like in Kill me/heal me and Duel. 

But yeah the story is very messy and I wasn't surprised after all to see it was made by the same screenwriter as Goblin and Mr.Sunshine. There is always something stiff / not believable but at the same time I feel like there are interesting ideas and big work behind it. + The bromance is a always nice to see. I feel like it is just missing a bit of organization, as if the screenwriter want us to see all the events in one go: we have no time to really feel connected to the main characters (frankly I am more interested by the others characters and it was the same in Ghoblin because I was liking the nephew -here it seem Eun Sub  as the same kind of personallity/role-) nor the time to really get the story ( I personnaly rewatched a lot of scene to understand better).

I think the show isn't slow it is just there are too much things happening but without knowing exactly if it is big or not, what is going on ect...

Now I am just curious about who was the person who saved Yi Gon, I have a feeling it is Detective Gang Shin Jae. It is sure it is not Tael eul because I don't understand why she wasn't wearing her badge properly , it was in a pocket. So I wonder what is the link between the king and Shin Jae ? Is there also another Shin Jae in Yi Gon's world ? who is perhaps working with Luna. Is he his brother or something or perhaps his other self with his face changed by the evil uncle ? I really want to know. But It is the only thing I want to know for now :/

Anyway, I love this drama almost as much as Goblin.  It peaks my curiosity because of its complexity.  I can understand why this complex drama doesn’t appeal to some.   If there is anyone who does in fact like the mathematical complexity of this drama, what do think about the scene in which Lee Gon is looking at videos and stops when he sees the one in front of the bookstore and remarks “She wasn’t wearing those clothes on that day.” ?  And that that day was in 2022.  Also when he tears up as time stops in front of the church...is he realizing/remembering his relationship with Tae-eul as past-present-future in accordance to Einstein’s theory?  E=MC2.   It would explain her (or at least her ID) presence in the first episode when the king was 8.  There was also the scene with the woman in the car saying “...I’ll just be brought back to life.”  And finally, when the boy at the bookstore was first introduced I suspected he was a special character which now seems to be clearly revealed.  (However, in his  interaction with Lee Rim the boy’s uniqueness was pretty apparent.) He seems fond of Luna.  Do you think Luna will turn out to be ’good’?