
  • Last Online: Nov 28, 2017
  • Location: England
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  • Birthday: September 01
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  • Join Date: November 15, 2012

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My Exposure:

In the summer of 2012 I watched my first KMovie - 100 days with Mr Arrogant. Since have been suffering from addictions to watching Kdramas, KVariety and KMovies and always listening to KPOP. Like many others my sudden cravings from Instant Noddles has increased and find myself eating it at least every couple days and have a longing to move to SKorea or visit SKorea for long periods of time. 

If you haven't already figured out but I am a massive fan of BigBang ^_^ They were THE band which introduced me to korean music and since haven't been able to get enough of them and doubt I ever will ;) I love all the members but tend to have more of a bias when it comes to Bingu Top, Daesung and GD

I'm also fans of
EXO(not too sure who's my favourite but Xiumin, Chen, Chanyeol and Suho stand out for me ^_^)

Super Junior (my biases Donghae and Eunhyuk)

2pm (my biases Chansung and Taecyeon) ^^

Shinhwa (my biases Eric and Andy) :D

Other groups I listen to are EXO, B1A4, B.A.P and BlockB ^_^

My top 3 re-watch-able dramas which I love to death:

1) Queen InHyun's Man
For me the chemistry between the leads and the whole plot itself is just soo amazing that I've already re-watched it from start to finish (without skipping) a good couple of time :D Not only that but the excuses the female lead comes up with just to kiss him, is just soo adorable and cute ^_^

2) SungKyunKwan Scandal
This drama starts off all light and fluffy and scenes of pure loll and cuteness but in the end actually surprised me with it having deeper meaning. For me I love the scene (SPOILER!!!!!!!!!! where he tell her not to dress up as a girl no more)

3) Flower Boy Next Door
This drama was just pure cute and Yoon Si Yoon and Park Shin Hye just made an awesome pairing. I loved her diary and also could relate to not wanting to face the outdoors from this addiction. xD

I am an absolute fan of Running Man.

AND Dad Where Are We Going????

Other shows I watch
Shinhwa Broadcast
1Night2Days Season 2
Happy Together
Hello Councillor
Barefoot Friends

Feel free to give a friend request or even a message ^_^


83d 9h 38m
1,946 episodes, 124 shows
4d 11h 6m
58 movies

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