Haha yeah racism is hilarious bruv 

 cdrama addict:

"trauma" chill lmaooo

lmao you're being ridiculous it's funny Ppl won't take racism seriously anymore bcz of ppl like you

 cdrama addict:

lmao you're being ridiculous it's funny Ppl won't take racism seriously anymore bcz of ppl like you

How about you just say you’re racist and don’t like. black people instead of trying to blame racism on a black person. C drama addict.

 cdrama addict:

lmao you're being ridiculous it's funny Ppl won't take racism seriously anymore bcz of ppl like you

Also people already don’t take racism seriously. I.e u laughing at me right now. Hope you feel good about yourself! 

Girl it was blackface! Don’t let anyone gaslight you into thinking it wasn’t. 

u love to play the victim right? 

 cdrama addict:

u love to play the victim right? 

when I said GASLIGHT this is exactly what I meant LMAO! I’m not going to argue with a non-POC about a subject such as this because they will never understand. 

well girl I'm touareg. Ur the type of ppl I found the most annoying. 

 cdrama addict:

well girl I'm touareg. Ur the type of ppl I found the most annoying. 

Lol, then it's even more disappointing. Honestly, we really don't care if you like us or not. There is a problem that should be recognized by everybody. Whether you're Black, POC or white, if you still try to deny it without even the slightest argumentative basis that has nothing to do with your personal perception but everything to do with historical and  latest facts, and you rather want to ignore the problem at hand, then you're part of the problem. If you to refuse to learn when the opportunity is given to you or listen and be educated by the affected and study further, then you're part of the problem. 

I don't care if you think we like to "play the victim" or are oversensitive because that's exactly the kind of gaslighting behaviour I've learned not to let manipulate me. 

Especially saying "bc of us people don't take racism seriously any more" is prevailing in your overall stance in the issue itself, and the most gaslighting thing to say.

Thank you, @Baddiestalli and @Lovely for the information and this conversation!

Jeez the trolling by denialists is strong. I wish Asian dramas would hire diversity consultants just to sense check obvious issues even if this is more for a domestic market where they deem this to be ok. It's dated and boring. I was going to invest 20 hours of my life but this thread and the rating were enough to save me from being frustrated. Same with Backstreet Rookie 

People saying that this certain scene isn't blackface are probably racists themselves lol, this shit is getting ridiculous. already dropped this the moment I see her face covered with "ink," disgusting.