When you click on a link in a thread, it doesn't direct you to the linked page. Instead, it just refreshes the thread.

I've noticed the same bug for me.
Can you give me an example? http://google.com
It happens when u link something (like title of drama) from the mydramalist.
Sorry for reviving another older thread, but I saw that it wasn't marked "resolved" yet and I think I found examples of thread links that aren't working. 


If you click on any of this OP's hyperlinks, they loop back to the same original thread. This doesn't seem to be happening with newer threads, so I'm guessing it's a result from updating to the new MDL. Do you think this is something fixable for the older threads or too bothersome to worry about? In any case, I hope this might help shed some light on the troubleshooting process. Thanks, admins!
Hessa Volunteer Staff
Links in old threads loop back because they have to be re-edited to work in the new system of the Forum.
Ah ok, thanks, Hessa. I take it that also means you have to edit each link individually, which sounds pretty tedious. Shame for all of those old pages, especially the stickies!